30-Minutes $40
Ideal for 4 to 7 year olds or Early Elementary to Mid-Elementary Levels. Lessons are kept fun and light, and life skills are incorporated to help these younger students build strong piano foundations.
75-Minutes $90
13 year olds and up. This is ideal for Early Advance to Advance level students or highly competitive students. Younger students who are serious about piano can start 75-minute lessons before 13 years old.
45-Minutes $56
Ideal for 8 to 11 year olds or Mid-Elementary to Early Intermediate levels. More work is required at these levels and these students can handle more work to progress at a good pace. More theory is incorporated.
90-Minutes $110
For Advance students or competitive students. The amount of time is needed for the high level of details required at this level.
60-Minutes $72
11 year olds and up. This is ideal for Mid-Intermediate to Early Advance levels. Younger students who are serious and dedicated towards piano can start 60-minute lessons before 11 years old.
Adult Students
The studio can be flexible to accommodate your busy work and family schedule. You can choose between 30 to 60 minutes, go slower or faster, be laid back or competitive.